Counselling > Migration Counselling

Who can advise me about the subject migration?
Who can give me advice about the asylum procedure?
There are many associations and professional organizations in your region, who can advise you on issues regarding migration. Those looking to stay for a long time in Germany or the EU, should find out in advance what has to be considered. This application should also help with that. Basically you need a residence permit if you wish to stay in Germany for more than just for holiday. A residence permit allows a longer stay in Germany and is usually for one to three year. There are various options to obtain a residence permit. Citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area and third countries such as Switzerland are allowed to study or work in Germany without prior authorization. However, you will get social assistance. If you are a non-EU citizens or third-country nationals, you still have several options for a residence permit:
- work in wanted or academic professions with appropriate qualifications and evidence of the workplace
- Studying in Germany in compliance with the relevant admission requirements and a place at the university
- Application for asylum for political, international law or religious persecution under proof of origin and hazard
Who does not have a long-term residence permit, needs at least a toleration. This is time-limited to six months and must be constantly renewed. Who is staying without a residence permit or visa in Germany might be removed even against his will.
Local migration advice centers can give you quick and valuable advice. The counseling centers offer support in many different languages. If possible, you should call before the consultation and make an appointment. Welcome Center and Citizen Services centers will try to help you as well. As authority the foreigner authority is responsible, which offers advice as well.
How do I get to the counseling center for refugees?
Wie gelange ich zu einer Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge?
I need advice to the asylum procedures.
Ich benötige Beratung zum Asylverfahren.
What are the opening times of the counseling center?
Wie sind die Öffnungszeiten der Beratungsstelle?
When can I get a appointment?
Wann kann ich einen Termin bekommen?
Who should I contact if I need to reschedule?
An wen muss ich mich wenden, wenn ich den Termin verschieben muss?
What documents are required?
Was für Unterlagen werden benötigt?
I have no financial funds to take advice.
Ich habe keine finanziellen Mittel, um Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
I can/can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/nicht nachweisen.